Grapevine, TX | Eleventh Annual IPT/IPTLD Integrative Oncology Conference | Kotsanis Institute
The Best Answer for Cancer Foundation "supporting integrative cancer care"
Best Answer for Cancer Foundation (BAFC) is at the forefront of an emerging health care paradigm, the patient-centered approach. Where the patient is in the center of the process of surviving cancer today and creating a stronger, healthier you for the future. We use a tool called The Whole-Being Healing Platform that focuses on the uniqueness of each patient with the aim to enhance the patient's overall quality of health and strengthen the patient while treating cancer.
OUR MISSION: To provide prevention education, awareness, options and support to patients and physicians dealing with cancer.
OUR VISION: Empowering patients to be involved in determining their personal "best answer for cancer" and promoting physician/patient awareness of kinder, gentler, yet profoundly effective, cancer treatment options that results in you "thriving while surviving" during treatment and recovery.
Welcome to the Foundation's site. Come, be part of the changing paradigm for cancer care!
11th Annual Integrative Cancer Care Conference