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How Does Insulin Potentiation Therapy Differ From Chemotherapy?

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It can feel overwhelming and shocking to receive a cancer diagnosis. At Kotsanis Institute of Functional Medicine in Grapevine, TX, we strive to provide a compassionate approach when helping our patients through their illness. Focusing on natural and integrative oncology, Dr. Constantine Kotsanis is a board-certified otolaryngologist with over 30 years of experience in alternative therapies for cancer. To help you understand your options, Dr. Kotsanis has created a helpful blog that you or your loved one can reference when learning about the differences between insulin potentiation therapy and chemotherapy. We want to help you know what to expect and provide informative resources for after your appointments. If you recently received a cancer diagnosis, please schedule a consultation to learn more about alternative cancer treatments or call our team with any questions.

What are alternative cancer treatments?

Typically, chemotherapy is the most common type of cancer treatment; however, some patients may not tolerate it well. Although we proudly offer insulin potentiation, we do not assert that it works better than chemotherapy. Instead, your decision depends entirely on your diagnosis, preferences, and needs. We encourage you to review what treatment options work best for you. Before completing the procedure, Dr. Kotsanis will review your medical history, collaborate with your current oncologist and primary care physician, consider your stage of cancer, and examine the nature of your cancer cells. We will also carefully discuss the procedure in length and determine how many sessions you need in Grapevine, TX.

At Kotsanis Institute, Dr. Kotsanis and his team follow the principle that cancer is systemic. Using this guiding principle, we holistically manage your cancer and strive to balance your body, mental health, digestion, immune system, and endocrine system. Additionally, we recommend family involvement to encourage you and provide support throughout the treatment. During your insulin potentiation therapy, you and your family work closely with a cancer care manager who helps guide everyone through your illness.

What is insulin potentiation therapy and how is it different from chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy often has debilitating, adverse side effects that can significantly impact your life. Even though chemotherapy is a proven treatment, some patients may prefer another option. IPT uses insulin as a biologic response modifier. Also known as immunotherapy, biological response modifiers encourage the body’s immune system to help reduce cancer. During this process, we use insulin to carry small doses of chemotherapy into cancer cells. Compared to healthy cells, cancer cells typically contain additional insulin receptors. We can activate the insulin receptors on the cancer cells, making them more susceptible to chemotherapy. This means Dr. Kotsanis can administer a smaller amount of chemo, target the cancer cells, and significantly decrease the adverse side effects. We also combine this treatment with nutritional therapy for optimal results.

To administer the chemotherapy solution, we ask patients to sit in a comfortable, reclining chair as it drips through an IV. Typically, it takes about 60 – 90 minutes to complete, and you may experience nausea for the first few hours. Regular chemotherapy sessions can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 3 – 4 hours, so insulin potentiation therapy is often much quicker to administer.

Schedule your IPT cancer treatment

If you’re struggling with a cancer diagnosis and want to try an innovative therapy, we encourage you to schedule an appointment at Kotsanis Institute of Functional Medicine in Grapevine, TX. Dr. Constantine Kotsanis is a compassionate, board-certified physician who strives to provide excellent, patient-centered care.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.