Four Tips to Treat Lyme Disease at Home
When you think you’ve been bitten by a tick, it’s important to immediately schedule an appointment at Kotsanis Institute of Functional Medicine in Grapevine, TX. When left untreated, Lyme disease can cause inflammation around your heart, memory loss, nerve damage, the onset of autoimmune diseases, and other serious health problems. Thankfully, Lyme disease is treatable, especially when it is caught early. Dr. Constantine Kotsanis helps his patients treat their symptoms with different Lyme disease treatments that help to remove the infection from their bodies quickly.
Signs of Lyme disease
Those who are infected with Lyme disease usually experience flu-like symptoms in Grapevine, TX. Lyme disease is diagnosed when someone experiences some common symptoms of Lyme disease, including:
Rash: Patients will experience a bullseye pattern rash from 3 – 30 days after their initial tick bite. This rash will slowly expand and isn’t usually painful or itchy but feels warm.
Body aches
Stiff neck
Swollen lymph nodes
At Kotsanis Institute, Dr. Kotsanis uses the western blot test to look for Lyme disease antibodies in a patient’s blood. However, it can take several weeks to detect these antibodies after the initial bite.
Lyme disease treatments near me
When you’re diagnosed with Lyme disease in its early stage, Dr. Kotsanis starts your treatment with antibiotics that can clear the infection. This usually cures most people quickly. However, when Lyme disease isn’t diagnosed early, it can require up to a month of oral antibodies and, in severe cases, even IV antibiotics.
Some Lyme disease treatments offered at Kotsanis Institute include:
Insulin potentiation therapy: A special form of antibiotics is given to at-risk patients.
IV therapy: A Glutathione or Myer’s Cocktail helps more severe cases of Lyme disease.
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy: This is used to help manage pain and to recharge a patient’s cells to restore their health.
Therapeutic apheresis: It’s a blood filtration that extracts the infection or bacteria from Lyme-infected cells found in your blood.
Ultraviolet blood irradiation therapy: This oxidative therapy is given intravenously, and can absorb viruses and bacteria in the blood.
Tips for treating Lyme Disease naturally at home
Many of our patients wonder, “Can you treat Lyme disease at home?” The short answer is yes, with advice from Dr. Kotsanis.
Use essential oils: Essential oils are one way that patients can treat Lyme disease naturally from home. They have antibacterial properties that can kill bacteria. They can be diluted in a carrier oil and applied topically (preferably to the rash area) or inhaled through a diffuser for therapeutic response.
Take vitamins and supplements: Many patients are interested in supplements or vitamins for Lyme disease. Dr. Kotsanis suggests using fish oil, vitamin B-1, vitamin C, magnesium, chlorella, garlic, olive leaf, and glutathione.
Try Hyperbaric oxygen therapy: This therapy uses exposure to 100% oxygen at a high pressure to promote healing. We can arrange for this therapy in someone’s home.
Consider chelation therapy to remove metal from your body: Some believe Lyme disease symptoms are linked to heavy metal toxicity from lead or mercury. Chelation therapy removes this heavy metal from the blood using a medication called a chelator. This medication binds to metals and collects them so the kidneys can process them and release them from the body in urine. This medication can be taken from the comfort of a patient’s home.
Does Lyme disease ever go away on its own?
Some people can clear the infection on their own without treatment. However, Dr. Kotsanis doesn’t recommend this approach. This is because of the severe complications that can occur when it’s left untreated. It can hide in your body for a long time and cause serious health problems in the future. This makes it important to schedule an appointment at Kotsanis Institute in Grapevine, TX when you suspect you have been bitten by a tick.
Learn more about Lyme disease natural treatments
When you think you’ve been infected with Lyme disease, it’s important to seek medical help from Dr. Constantine Kotsanis at the Kotsanis Institute of Functional Medicine in Grapevine, TX. We understand how serious Lyme disease treatment is and ensure that our patients stay as healthy as possible. While Lyme disease is usually curable, getting professional Lyme disease treatment can help resolve your symptoms quickly.