Can IPT Help Alleviate the Side Effects from Chemotherapy?
At Kotsanis Institute of Functional Medicine, accepted patients may participate in our comprehensive cancer treatment program using innovative intervention technologies to help eradicate cancer cells and improve their quality of life. Our dedicated staff serves patients in and around Grapevine, TX to meet their unique cancer treatment needs. One chemotherapy process that has proven effective while minimizing typical cancer treatment side effects is insulin potentiation therapy (IPT).
What is insulin potentiation therapy (IPT)?
IPT is a low, targeted dose of chemotherapy that uses insulin as immunotherapy or biologic response modifier. This means that insulin can modify the body’s immunological response to cancer treatment drugs. Studies have shown that IPT can minimize the usual side effects of chemotherapy, including fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, and hair loss. At Kotsanis Institute, we can safely administer IPT to qualifying patients.
Can IPT help alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy?
According to recent studies, insulin appears to make cancer cell membranes more permeable so that chemotherapy drugs can pass through. Since cancer cells tend to have more insulin receptors than other types of cells, using insulin as a biologic response modifier helps target the cancer cells specifically for eradication. This reduces the likelihood of patients experiencing the undesirable side effects of traditional chemotherapy intervention.
Is IPT safe?
Insulin has been safely used for many years in the medical world for various health-related purposes. The primary risk of participating in IPT is hypoglycemia or low blood sugar. Our team in Grapevine, TX is prepared to offer glucose infusions to combat these adverse effects so patients can continue benefiting from IPT.
Am I an ideal candidate for IPT?
IPT can be utilized to treat multiple forms of cancer. Each patient has the potential to uniquely respond to IPT, so treatment plans must be based on our expert recommendations. Our team performs comprehensive examinations and collects your personal and medical histories to determine if IPT is the appropriate treatment path for you.
Can IPT be combined with other cancer treatments?
In some cases, IPT may be combined with nutritional therapy to optimize results and prevent more aggressive interventions, such as radiation or surgery. If radiation or surgery is recommended, IPT can still be safely used in combination.
What is the treatment process like?
IPT is administered in the same manner as traditional chemotherapy. Patients come to Kotsanis Institute and sit in a reclining chair. The chemotherapy agent is delivered via IV and takes approximately 60 – 90 minutes to complete. Some patients can experience nausea and vomiting for a few hours after IPT for the first couple of sessions, as well as a possible drop in white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets.
How many IPT sessions will I need?
Each patient has a customized treatment plan, so the number of IPT sessions will vary. The frequency and number of sessions will be based on our expert recommendations, the type of cancer being treated, the severity of the cancer being treated, and the patient’s response to the initial IPT treatment.
Where to go to learn more about IPT
If you reside in or around Grapevine, TX and are looking for effective methods to treat your cancer while minimizing the side effects of traditional chemotherapy, contact our team at Kotsanis Institute of Functional Medicine and schedule an appointment today. A member of our team will walk you through the acceptance process for our comprehensive cancer treatment program and the benefits of utilizing IPT.